You are here: Inventory > Allocating Back Orders

Back Order allocations

Back order requirements created by processing of sales orders via the Process Order run or saving a sales order with type 'Active Order' are stored in date order to enable the allocation of stock on a First In First Out (FIFO) priority basis when received.  The allocation order can be changed at any time prior to Back Order Processing being run.  The back order records can also be split as many times as needed to provide flexibility with changing the priorities.  The login user name and date are recorded automatically to keep track of the allocation movements.  Stock placed on back order by a back to back sales order is EXCLUDED from this process.

The Back Order Allocations form can be accessed in one of three ways:


1. Inventory Back Orders Allocations
2. Click New
3. Part No. - select from automatically displayed search window
4. Stock on Back Order - details of current sales orders with outstanding stock requests where the status of the order is Processed for Invoice orders and Processed or Unprocesed for Active orders
5. Notes - reason for change in priority
6. Stock Currently on Order - information about current undelivered stock requests
7. Save record

Once the form is saved, no editing is permitted.  Create a new record to change the allocation priority.

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Splitting a Back Order